Saturday, March 19, 2016

Why are public places important?

Now that you have an idea of what a public space is, what is the importance of these spaces? Public spaces creates identity in an area, adds to economic, cultural and social value. In addition to these benefits, public spaces are also beneficial in helping the environment. Many public spaces has become icons in cities and countries and acts as a tourist attraction. For example the Eiffel Tower is representative of Paris, Central Park in New York and even Queens Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain Trinidad. Public places can also create identity within a community, it generates a sense of pride and ownership among the community members of the various groups. The economy is also boosted with public spaces, as it encourages entrepreneurship. Additionally public spaces increases property value in communities. The development of places such as libraries and museums not only provide aesthetics but also services to the community and city. Streets are designed to facilitate persons to walk safely on the sidewalk, encouraging the users to enjoy the flanerie. Green parks such as the Botanical Gardens, Port-of-Spain help the environment, it creates a green space aside from the ‘concrete jungle’ called development. It helps persons appreciate the natural habitat as well as provide a home for animals. It aids in the reduction of pollutants in the air. Public spaces (including high streets, street markets, shopping precincts, community centers, parks, playgrounds, and neighborhood spaces in residential areas) play a vital role in the social life of communities. They act as a ‘self-organising public service’, a shared resource in which experiences and value are created (Mean and Tims, 2005).

Harris Promenade, San Fernando

This photo above shows Harris Promenade in San Fernando, this is a space where persons can sit, relax, socialise etc. Here we can see the men using the benches provided to enjoy the busy afternoon, as you can see the traffic of cars behind them. There are also people sitting on the steps themselves, this can be an indication that not enough seats were available for them to sit or even that the empty ones were so poorly maintained that they were unable to sit. It is apparent that this area is not well maintained, you can see the fallen lamp-post. However there is the presence of trees and plants which provide shade for the users as well as increase the aesthetics of promenade. It is clear to that the space is fulfilling its functions however it needs to be better maintained to reach its full potential.

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